When you move it 12 sectors deep...kinda takes it out of play for others on that country....just sayin
Who "cheated"?
theres usually more than one CV....just sayin. And who's job is it to say whether it out of play or not? If its going 12 sectors out then someone wants it 12 sectors out. It's their $15 a month, let them do what they please with their CVs.
--Twas me the other day ...
No argument needed. Some players like to deem CV's "theirs so don't touch it". Sorry but you lose.
Hmmm. I've never commanded a CV, so I may be wrong, but I don't think the person who steers it to the end of the map have to actually stay on it during that run. So they aren't spending their $15.00 driving the CV for 12 sectors. I think he can lay the course and then go do something else. If that's True....Then a fix might be that if the port for a CV was captured, and that CV group has no one on board, then it respawns at the captured port. This would force someone to spend their $15.00 by sitting on it, if that's how they want to spend their time, fine. But I think this would deter this CV hiding Business by forcing the person who is doing it to be out of action for as long as the CV is.
If that country wants to hide the CV let them. Its their CV. If HiTech didnt want CVs the option of being hidden then he would make it so the CV could go but so far away from land.