I love sweeping (and mostly wrong) generalizations.
How is this generalized OR wrong? Based on the OP, he switched sides to kill 2 of the CV's that they were hiding to keep them from respawning at the port that was taken. This is a common tactic. "Fine, they can have the port, but they sure as hell won't get a CV from it!" There is a reason people are yelling "KILL THE CV!!!" right after you take a port.
Particularly if this happened to the Bish last night in Orange; we were getting absolutely smashed on, removing enemy CV's from the picture could do nothing but relieve some of the pressure on our bases (there was red EVERYWHERE!!!
If you are speaking in the sense that they might have been hiding them just to hide them, then I might agree with you. But that was not my impression or the direction I was posting in at the time.