Battle over Germany +5Another amazing Scenario has been provided by the Scenario team, skin and terrain designers..and HTC.
It's at the top of my selections. Many have been excellent IMHO. Very few disappointments.
Battle over Germany (First Qtr 2011)

Philippine Phandango (Jul/Aug 2010) (+5)
The Final Battle (Mar/Apr 2010) (+5)
Red Storm - Krupp Steel (October 2009) (+4)
Coral Sea 2009 (August 2009) (+5)
Tunisia: Dawn of Battle (Mar-May 2009) (+4)
Battle of Britain 2008 (November, 2008) (+4)
Rangoon, '42 (2008) (August, 2008) (+5)
Der Grosse Schlag (October, 2007) (+5)
Operation Husky (June, 2007) (+4.5)
Battle of Britain 2006 (September, 2006) (+4)
Operation Downfall (July, 2006) (Did not make this one)
Stalin's Fourth (April, 2006) (+5)
Fire Over Malta (November, 2005) (+4.5)
Coral Sea (April, 2005) (+5)
Rangoon, '42 (October, 2004) (+4)
Battle of Britain 2004 (August, 2004) (+4)
Guadal Canal (July 2004) (+4)
Kurland (May, 2004) (+4) (walkon)
Ruhr (February, 2004) (Did not make this one)
Kadesh (October, 2003) (Did not make this one)
Okinawa (August/Sept 2003) (+4)
Operation Iceberg (August, 2003) (+4)
Operation Watchtower (April, 2003) (Did not make this one)
Battle for the Niemen (February, 2003) (Did not make this one)
Midway (November, 2002) (+4)
Battle of Britain 2002 (August, 2002) (+4)
Invasion Sicily (March, 2002) (+4)
Big Week (December, 2001) (Did not make this one - I think?? Did AW Big Week before)
Hostile Shores (April, 2001) (Did not make this one)
Afrika Korps (November, 2000) (+3) (Walked on 2 frames)