Author Topic: Favorite Type of Scenarios?  (Read 2114 times)

Offline fullmetalbullet

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Re: Favorite Type of Scenarios?
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2011, 10:43:50 AM »
i wonder if they would ever do a proper B-29 bombing of tokyo scenario. with incendiarie bombs. and the smoke from the fires blackening the bottoms of the B-29s. and to where you could see the burning blaze for miles away from the target.
"Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War" Julius Caesar

Offline OOZ662

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Re: Favorite Type of Scenarios?
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2011, 01:53:54 PM »
i wonder if they would ever do a proper B-29 bombing of tokyo scenario. with incendiarie bombs. and the smoke from the fires blackening the bottoms of the B-29s. and to where you could see the burning blaze for miles away from the target.

Ever? I dunno. Within the next five, ten, fifteen years? Probably not. The only gameplay mechanics that have changed since I started playing in 2003 are the addition of weather(broken and scrapped), the addition of capture trains(failed idea repurposed into uncapturable rearline bases), the ENY limiter, and the strats redux.
Doing that would require adding incendiary bombs(and a purpose for them in normal gameplay without breaking everything), redoing the fire/smoke texture to look realistic while not destroying FPS, increasing the visual range by redoing the fog system(which is pretty terrible tbh), and adding a whole new layer to every aircraft for either the burnt bellies or just effects in general. None of which seem to be very high on the priority list.
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline fullmetalbullet

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Re: Favorite Type of Scenarios?
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2011, 02:54:25 PM »
Ever? I dunno. Within the next five, ten, fifteen years? Probably not. The only gameplay mechanics that have changed since I started playing in 2003 are the addition of weather(broken and scrapped), the addition of capture trains(failed idea repurposed into uncapturable rearline bases), the ENY limiter, and the strats redux.
Doing that would require adding incendiary bombs(and a purpose for them in normal gameplay without breaking everything), redoing the fire/smoke texture to look realistic while not destroying FPS, increasing the visual range by redoing the fog system(which is pretty terrible tbh), and adding a whole new layer to every aircraft for either the burnt bellies or just effects in general. None of which seem to be very high on the priority list.

it would be nice though. a man can dream lol.
"Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War" Julius Caesar

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Favorite Type of Scenarios?
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2011, 05:40:05 PM »
You know, I really like a mix of the both.  PTO scenarios can get stale with the PTO plane set not being as complete as the ETO set atm, however with CVs usually being a factor and frame objectives varying from fighter sweeps, seek and destroy, and more typical land-based targets the action can really vary a lot.  ETO seem the opposite, we have richer plane sets but the action is usually the same throughout but in different location on the map (attack - defend).
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.