Man their forums are full of whiners too
1 "I pay money so I should get my way"
2 "Player xyz cheats"
3 "They don't care about us"
4 "Graphics dont look right"
5 "It's (insert company here) fault when I have stutters and freezups"
6 "(Insert company here) is having connection problems and I got disconnected"
7 "Why is my score wrong?"
8 "The equipment isn't modeled right"
I'm guessing it doesn't change in any game but the whines are definitely worth some chuckles
1) "Those guys on the practice putting green are avoiding game play and are lame."
2) "30 Guys go from hole to hole--when the flag drops they move on like hoarding locusts, and are lame, ."
3) "(insert name) won't duel me one-on-one for 9 holes is a chicken, and is lame."
4) "(insert name) always drives his golf cart right at me--HEAD-ONs all the time, and is lame."
5) "We ALWAYS switch to the country club with the fewest members for the "best games."
6) "Anyone who doesn't play their $52 in greens fees the way I play MY $52 in greens fees is a lowly punk, and is lame"
7) "At my prime time there is always 300 players already on the course I want to play and I can't get in and it's lame."
8) "I Paid extra for high end golf balls and got disco'ed on a long drive and lost it, and the game is lame"