hey fellas, heres a question.
you all complain about them taking undefended bases right?
why didnt YOU up and defend your base then?
dont blame them for "rolling bases" when your too lazy to up &fight.
There is
NOTHING you can do. Look at this mentality:
Psh, defend? That's the wrong mindset.
These guys obviously dont like to fight.To me, this is like slapping the biggest guy at the bar, then running away as fast as you can. This happens night after night after night. The wack a mole pattern develops that a good fight erupts, they start loosing the upper hand, then
. How many times a night can you say "where did they all go?". Now here you are dressed up for a boxing match only to realize the fights at another end.
As it stands, the attackers have all the advantage here. Consider an average night sayyyy 180 players in one arena with a large map. 60 bish/60 rook/60 knight. You post a mission and its very typical on an average night to get 15-20 in that mission. Thats 1/3 of a gaggle of a country that now is focused onto a single base on a huge map with sayyyy 200 basses. Now consider in order to mount a decent defense, it will usually take you a good 5 minutes to up from the nearest base in order to avoid the HOers and vulchers. NOT nearly enough time to thwart it because by the time you get there, the base is captured and the moles have already decided where to pop out of the next hole.
So now I ask HTC and guys that participate and/or condone this type of gameplay:Ultimatley, is this the game you want in the end? A version of capture the flag or race to reset maps? What happens when we all stop fighting, how boring would that be? Ever see the tantrums they throw when the same game is played on them?
I love the fact the noobs are having fun and that we are attracting new blood by letting them taste victory, but all this is doing is feeding the egos of the seasoned armchair generals that have the uncanny ability to herd sheep.
Talk was made a few months back of base captures being too hard and we have seen a decline in the arenas. You can see that even the most seasoned furballer came to the conclusion that the game needed to be tweeked so they can get their game back. Well..WTG, you got it!! Dar circles are back to where they were, towns now easier to capture, CVs are now holy shrines that can be hidden at the corner of maps rendered unusable and heck...even the war now is easier to win. To the new guy..this is fantastic. Unfortunately guys that have been here for years who just log on for a few sorties its causing major burnout. Already for guys that do this have to make adjustments to their game ( upping from a different feild, bailing from perfectly good sorties) in order to look for action and find their fun in the game. Having to do this night after night takes the wind out of your sails and soon you find yourself logging less and less time to the point of just saying why am I even subscribing? Perhaps its better that we get new blood in here, but personaly..Ive seen wayyy to many good guys leave because of this and I dont see a good future being in order to REALLY have fun, you have to be in some mega squad which most of us dont care too anyway.