The B-29 will not reach Vr (Rotation) speed before crossing the departure threshold of the departing runway, in the default configuration. The default rotation speed (Vr) for the auto-take off sequence is 140 mph. With two increments of flaps selected at a max gross weight of approximately 144,565lbs at sea level under what I can only assume is standard Temperature +59F or +15C and standard pressure of 29.92 inches Hg or 1013mb, not sure what exactly the defaults are for the in-game environment, it is not possible to reach Vr = 140mph.
I would suggest few steps for completing a successful Auto-Takeoff for in-experienced heavy aircraft operators, when attempting to launch a fully loaded 144,000lb TOW B-29. Also, I believe that some consideration should be given by Hitech Creations as to the design of airfields with relation to the B-29. Perhaps increasing the runway lengths at all airfields or some airfields to accommodate V1 (Decision Speed), Vr (Rotation Speed), V2 (Takeoff Safety Speed). The gross limitations implied by the amount of available runway, for all intents and purposes severely limits the use of operating the B-29 at Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW).
1. Pick an airfield with an adequate Clearway. A large or medium airfield located at sea level with one runway that extends to a beach where no obstacles are present at the departure end. A large or medium airfield with perhaps a cliff dropping off could also possibly ensure adequate obstacle clearance while accelerating and climbing out. Be warned that as field elevation increases aircraft performance may be limited by pressure altitude. Not sure how the in-game environment is configured but typically pressure decreases by approximately 1" hg (Mercury) per 1,000 feet of altitude gained. Also, typically the temperature lapse rate is approximately -2C per 1,000ft of altitude gained, any deviation from these standard lapse rates would also affect the density altitude and aircraft performance, but again, I'm not sure how the in-game environment is configured.
Clearway - For turbine engine powered airplanes certificated after August 29, 1959, an area beyond the runway, not less than 500 feet wide, centrally located about the extended centerline of the runway, and under the control of the airport authorities. The clearway is expressed in terms of a clearway plane, extending from the end of the runway with an upward slope not exceeding 1.25 percent, above which no object nor any terrain protrudes. However, threshold lights may protrude above the plane if their height above the end of the runway is 26 inches or less and if they are located to each side of the runway. (2) For turbine engine powered airplanes certificated after September 30, 1958, but before August 30, 1959, an area beyond the takeoff runway extending no less than 300 feet on either side of the extended center-line of the runway, at an elevation no higher than the elevation of the end of the runway, clear of all fixed obstacles, and under the control of the airport authorities.
2. Set Flaps to ZERO or NO FLAPS once your B-29 and Drones are on the runway. The default flap setting is two increments of flaps selected for Auto-takeoff. By commencing your takeoff run with two-increments of flaps selected you will adversely affect the amount of acceleration required to reach 140mph by the end of the runway. The flap selection creates just enough drag that with two increments of flaps selected at sea level and 144,000lbs the aircraft accelerates to approximately 128 - 130 mph and will not achieve rotation speed of 140mph until well beyond the departure threshold of the runway.
4. Upon reaching 140mph ADD 1 INCREMENT OF FLAPS. Adding one increment of flaps prevents a tail-strike and the additional friction from the runway during rotation could adversely affect obstacle clearance. You may elect to not add any flaps and I have noticed that if the aircraft has no obstacles or adequate distance from the end of the runway it will climb out just fine in auto-takeoff after dragging its tail on the skid plate for an indeterminate period of time. On a side-note as a professional aviator I would NEVER under any circumstances operate a large transport category aircraft in this manner. This is, in my opinion, one of the best work-arounds available to maximize the utilization of a fully loaded large aircraft for in-experienced cartoon plane drivers.
5. Upon reaching 500ft AGL (Above Ground Level) commence with flap retraction. This in my experience will allow for adequate terrain clearance and transition to the clean climb-out configuration airspeed of 190mph.
I hope this helps some of you when operating this large behemoth under conditions not allowed for by the limitations of Aces High II. I don't want to see, nor do I want to hear people complaining about burning 300-400 perks by watching whole formations of these things turn into aluminum sleds during my Swoops Brand Super EpicŪ Missions this month.
*One additional note, the calibration for the B-29 bombsite has not been adequately corrected in-game to allow for the high levels of precision bombing me and my squad are accustomed to in-game. With your airspeed calibrated perfectly to match the airspeed in your E-6B, and your altitude and drop altitude perfectly matched up, your ordinance will fall short of your intended pickle point. When bombing hangars from 30,000 feet me any my squaddies Asleep1, Blauv, Guardian, and matdylan, all avid buff drivers, noticed that the ordinance falls about a hangar length short. We have to manually attempt a correction by placing our mouse cursor or the edge of our clipboard behind the crosshairs in the bombsight, to allow for accurate bombing.* (Please Fix this!)