Author Topic: Modify maps to add additional GV spawns  (Read 236 times)

Offline Reaper90

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Modify maps to add additional GV spawns
« on: March 06, 2011, 02:11:04 PM »
This is more of a concern on some of the smaller maps, but could be applied to all of them I suppose...

(I think) I understand the reason a lot of the GV spawn were set up the way they were when the maps were made, with the "zone" system, but GVing is a pretty popular aspect of this game... and currrently we have plenty of maps in the rotation that at times can be pretty downright crappy for GVers. Balkans is a prime example, IMHO.... usually, depending on who owns what base, you may be able to find one single base, maybe two at best, that have a GV spawn into an enemy base. The vast majority have either no GV spawns or 1 or 2 at most, but not any into several other bases in close proximity.

Would it be possible for either HTC or the original map developers (or someone with map skills, with proper permissions) to go back into some of these older maps and add additional GV spawns?? I would venture to say you could DOUBLE the number of spawns and it would do nothing but increase the opportunities for fun and new fights.... and I cannot possibly imagine how there could be any negative consequences from doing so.....

Just a wish......
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Offline badhorse

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Re: Modify maps to add additional GV spawns
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2011, 11:11:06 PM »
sounds good to me.
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