NATC3525 is No.1 of A6M5.
A manufacture number is Mitubishi3525.
It was manufactured in February, 1943.
And it was supplied in March, 1943.
The model number in this time was Mk2 mod4.
And it was recognized in June, 1943.
The model number in this time was Mk2mod5.
The tail code was Ko-175.
IJNAF notified regulation of camouflage paint in April, 1943.
A6M ordered before it are not green.
Therefore, this airplane was gray green.
This fact can be checked in the Japan Defense Agency library.
Or you can check JAN code No.4910054251111 of a Japanese magazine (Scale Aviatin).
We are progressing historical investigation of IJ airplanes rapidly in Japan now.
My friends have also published new information energetically.
Time will be required for some of their being introduced in your country.
By the way, I will exhibit the original text of WEP of ZeroMk2 in the near future.
The original text is not exhibited until now.
If satisfactory about copyright, it may be able to open to all the members.