For those who'd like to discuss
topics not allowed here, check in at It's mostly the same people, so the same themes and topics, but there are no rules except for legal limits. Registration is free, regulated only to keep spambots out; there's
no preferential treatment for anyone. You can also challenge others to a game of chess. Yes, it really is that sophisticated over there.
It isn't a moderated forum and so there are two main sides to this:
1) You can say whatever you want and so can everyone else
2) You will basically be in a pure free market of ideas. Survival of the fittest, rationally and comically.
n.b. the only subforum you can see without registering is basically the "trash can" forum. There's two dozen more forums once you register, incl one for Music, another for Hobbies (photography etc), Aces High, other games, etc.