Lets say:
1.) You're flying along in level flight at 25,000' and humming along at say chewing up about 6 miles a minute.
2.) In level flight your guns are aligned to be level with the flight path of the airplane
3.) You pull the trigger and fire one .50 caliber round.
4.) There is no wind or forces other than a standard still atmosphere acting on the bullet.
Where's the bullet land? How far did it go? How do you figure it out? I'm trying to figure out how to calculate it rather than simply asking someone else to do it for me.
I came up with some rough calculations while flying along the other day trying to figure out using known .50BMG ballistics information I had but I'm at a loss on how to computer out that far to decide what the drop would be like when we're talking miles.
I was trying to figure out 43,000', Mach .80 (458kts, 528mph, 774.4fps) and deciding if we would have flown past the point the bullet finally hits the ground. I don't think we would by a fair margin but I have no way to prove it or even make an educated guess.
The airplane is NOT on a treadmill