Wouldn't digging in mean immobilization? Wouldn't that make getting smoked out particularily bad news? We already have embankments at the vbases and those don't really make the tanks indestructible nor really stimy battlefield flux, and there aren't too many other valuable pieces of territory in the game where ground vehicles would gain from digging in:
Town defense: you could either set up plain defense at the town, or set up an ambush somewhere between spawn and town. Either way, esp at the town, town capture objective would make you a target similar to the Tiger today: people point it out in particular and it goes right up everyone's priority bombing list.
Fields: you're set up under even denser air traffic, with consequent odds of getting bombed. The only advantage there would be vulching or camping just out of auto ack range before starting to shell the field. Either way you end up with the same vulnerability in immobilization: marked for A2G.
Anything else? There could be more added to the ground war.. E.G random urban areas instead of nothing but open country outside of towns, fields, and strats... offroading made as rocky (maybe randomly vary it from slightly worse than it is now (definitely no long range mobile gunnery) to as bad as it used to be (you couldn't go full speed from rocking) ) as it used to be so that roads (have a handful of path choices linking any two random urban areas or towns/fields/strats so that there's some fog of war involved) regain value, and focus battles more than it is now: no concerns other than the ultimate target - fields or towns or strats.
Camo - couldn't it be made only an extension of the skin-camo functionality we already have? Meaning that it would be crafted so as to improve on the visual (literally better camo against terrain and nothing else, no icon or other gameplay mechanics powerups etc) camo we have now.
If by "more immersion" you mean, more realism, I'm all for that. So let's start by having tanks tear up any field
they go across, leaving big, easily identifiable trails on the ground, let's model cross country speeds, too as opposed
to it all being modeled as if they were on roads, get rid of the magical field repairs with "supplies" as well. Oh,
the spawn points, too. If planes can't "spawn" to another sector, why let the GVs?
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get more realism than you think you want. 
The right way about it is to pick and choose those parts of reality that make for fun gameplay. Roads, spawns, trails but not rooster trails you can see across the map, field supplies with a limited delay like planes have on hotpad rather than something burdensomely realistic, etc. Wheat and chaff.