A CV is not going to travel very far in 15 mins~ What do you want to do? Switch sides every 5 mins to ensure when someone doesn't roll a goon or m3 into a base after spending a half hour taking the town down? Thats your idea of promoting combat?
Just make all bases uncaptureable and you can have your PvP in MW. You won't have to police all the arenas then, and you can finally get a good nights rest. You can let skuzzy know when you are ready for a map change. We could call it Karnak's Furballing War Arena, wait a second I think its called the Dualing Arena. Ludicrous

I would say, go to LW or anywhere else if it bothers you so much and let the strategically oriented and even late night milkers do what they want to do.
The fact is when the sides even up as they usually do evenings and weekends, MW has some of the best fights to be found.
I don't know why you care either ack-ack, I almost never see you in MW, and when you do show up its to bnz in a p38 from nosebleed altitudes for a couple of easy kills then poof.