1. what night fighter did you fly?
2. what was your target? A stream of RAF bombers or were you countering enemy night-fighters?
Random bombers that where around when night came and still wanted to drop on our bases.
3. Who was your GIB? Was he proficient in the use of the Dopple Reiter?
4. What were the icon rules?
Normal MA icon rules. In sea event the range was 3k and it was very difficult to find enemy unless there was a radar track.
5. How much did the ambient light intensity vary?
It did not vary once the night came, it was quite short time, however. What it enabled was to make strategic moves without the enemy seeing. But MA is all about furballing anyway so that is of no interest...
6. If the answer to 5. is of significance, did you ever find it possible to dogfight at night?
Dogfighting was very difficult and engaging the bombers was rather difficult too, but despite that, fun -IMO that is.
7. If anser to 6 is yes, what kind of ACMs were most useful in night fighter vs. night fighter combat?
IRL night fighters were mainly aimed at bombers, not against other fighters, however if it was F vs F, normal ACM was applied, although hitting something was difficult.
8. What was your favorite night fighter and why?
Mossie, because.
PS. I know people left the arena when night time came and I have never understood why, thus I wished them good riddance. However I did not observe a huge loss in numbers. We once had a SEA event where we chased bombers with 110s and it was lots of fun, but we did not have huge numbers there so I guess YMMV.