You can read the info posted "back then", it's only 10 pages long, but this is the post that pretty much finished it.
Yeah, but that was 2008. Moore's law probably impacts HTC's cost structure.
I'll concede the points about switching the MA over - I don't think it makes a lot of sense. However, if the WWI arena was worthwhile (I doubt it is in a variable sense, though I've been told it was in the damage model developmental impact to the entire offering) well, bad example...
The overall point is this: more is better and it's not going to succeed as either/or but it might well succeed as "and". Consider, as an analog, indirect-fire ground weapons. Nobody's going to be hot on the idea of getting them if it supplants GV direct-fire weapons. OTOH, if they come along "in addition to" it's going to rock.
Use your imagination and envision a much broader offering than what we now have. Imagine the ground war gamers populating a real war arena, over which fighter pilots get to fly and fight. How could this be bad if HTC maintains the integrity of the fms?
See, there's this thing called a bandwagon effect with MMOGs. The more the merrier - in a big and nonlinear way. And when you reckon that the development of a relatively lame and dumb (though beautifully so, here) GV is a more efficient offering in terms of players drawn per unit development (if you can reach that critical bandwagon level) than our fighters, you might see where I'm going. We need meat, and that applies both in-game and to fuel faster/higher volume expansion. The top of the food chain would naturally benefit more from this.
But who knows. HT might just be enjoying the narrower niche. I have no idea what his vision is. I think you could pump this turkey for a broader, but still highly integral, WWII all-phase niche, drive greater volume in the course of doing so, and be able to offer a broader range of cool things to do. Fug, you've been here much longer than I but, my impression, given the media involved, is that this thing is moving at a glacial pace, growthwise. That said, I love and am really grateful for the game - and would love to see more involved. I'd love to see a giant online virtually violent party going CONSTANTLY and with historically accurate vehicle models. Admittedly, night arena is probably NOT the first step in a chain of events that might lead to such an outcome -but it might be one of 'em.
Probably biggest/best first bang for the buck is rounding out the historical daylight set.