Hang in there Molsman:(Image removed from quote.)1970 Plymouth Duster.340/727 autooriginal FM3 Panther Pink car.
Amazing you could actually recruit that much suck into one squad.
Built it the first time when I was 18 (15 years ago). Rebuilt several times since.(Image removed from quote.)Been collecting dust for a while. I came to the realization that if anything happened to me, my kids would go back to their mother (I use the term VERY loosely). So I decided that riding can wait until they are grown. Stupid triple post.
Wow, you guys need help.
If ya don't mind my noobishness, what model/year is your bike, or is it custom? Love that classic style of bike you got.
well, the one i get for my 16'th birthday after i get my drivers license.(Image removed from quote.)no-not mine or my moms or anyone related to me but i get a Nissan 350z for my 16th birthday
my baby 1970 mercury cougar xr7(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)i dont have recent pics but we put new tires on her.
I remember when you got that thing! That was so long ago, definitely looking 100x better now!