The crickets sure are loud here. Never us mind however! To prevent those puzzled by the ROC charts for the SpitV/Seafire (190A-8/F8) from pondering this "many times over the years" without reaching the right answer here's the explanation in 5 minutes.
Krusty's Argument for a Broken FM:1)The same airplane with a different weight has a different climb rate.
2)The SpitV /Seafire (190A-8/F-8) are the same airplanes but different weights.
3)However the HTC climb rate charts are the same for the SpitV/Seafire (190A-8/F-8); therefore, the FM is wrong!
We have proven the FM is wrong!! Let the FM pot-banging began!! Bring out the torches! Pitch forks for the angry mob! Time to hold Dr. Hitechenstein accountable for his FM abomination!!!
Not so fast. There’s a big assumption. Let’s bring it to light. Assumption: HTC used different weights to calculate the climb rate charts for the SpitV/Seafire (190A-8/F-8). For Krusty’s argument to be correct this assumption must be true.
Well, sadly for all the angry rioters this is false. According to AH the climb rate charts for the SpitV/Seafire (190A-8/F-8) are calculated with the same weight (SpitV/Seafire @ 6622lbs, A-8/F-8 @ 9682 lbs).
Infact if they used the same weight then we would expect to find that the ROC would indeed be the same for these airplanes. So unknowingly Krusty has actually found more proof of the correctness of the FM. Nice work Krusty!
Here’s the correct logic:1)the same airplane with the same weight will have the same ROC
2)the SpitV/Seafire are essentially the same airplane
3)the HTC ROC chart for the SpitV/Seafire are calculated using the same weight
4)the ROC charts are the same for the SpitV/Seafire; therefore, hitech isn’t as dumb as some of you think he is