No, you're being dense.
Krusty didn't say a thing about the G.55 having the 7mm, he said it would be good to have both the series 0 and series 1 armament as options. He is saying the Series 0 armament would be similiar to the 7mm option on the C.205, in that it is less powerfull, though still respectable, and an interesting combination.
One thing I'd love for the G.55 is the Serie 0 option.
It would be a nice option like the 7mm wing guns on our C.202 and C.205, not the most powerful, but interesting for variety.
He clearly meant the series 0 armament would be good to have, similar to the 7mm wing guns on the C.205, for, and I quote, "variety".
I haven't found any with the 7mm wing guns, but I have seen both Serie 0 and Serie 1 in combat (squadron size) It certainly would be interesting to see differences in flight performance between the two.
This is where you got confused.
I think he meant it would be interesting to see both options for the G.55, simmilar to the 7mm guns in the wings of the C202 and 205.
Here is where I tried to help clarify for you.
Difference is I seen photos of both options in the G.55, I cannot show proof c202/205 had different options, then again this thread is about the G.55 which had both series in combat.
I can prove the C.205 had drop tanks in combat, although the handful of 2-3 photos have circulated the internet for years, its not exactly 100% proof, however what else can anyone go on since there is no actual proof or data, even then it was common in north africa, not afterwards.
Want to lose the 7mm option for the C202 and C.205 get your own thread for it, not the topic which says Fiat G.55, different aircraft and production model.
Heres where you freaked the **** out, and
started babbling on about how you can't prove the C.205 had different options (unimportant, as we already have options for the C.205), drop tanks (entirely irrelevent to the discussion), and some how arived at the conclusion I was asking for the 7mm's on the C.205 and C.202 to be removed, despite the fact that YOU were the one who raised the issue of there not being any proof you've seen of the C.2 series having a 7mm option in this very post.
Butcher, you're either tired, drunk, senile, or trying to pull the same crap you did in the Panzer III thread.
I said nothing about wanting the 7mm's removed from the C.202 and C.205. I simply tried to clarify what Krusty was saying, as you seemed to be confused (you still seem to be confused), and then you proceded to hijack your own thread with meanderings about lack of proof, drop tanks, and hijacks.
Heres where I essentially say "wtf are you rambling on about? You just brought up two entirely new, previously undiscussed and entirely irrelevent comments, and then proceded to accuse me of bringing them up"
Butcher, you're either tired, drunk, senile, or trying to pull the same crap you did in the Panzer III thread.
I said nothing about wanting the 7mm's removed from the C.202 and C.205. I simply tried to clarify what Krusty was saying, as you seemed to be confused (you still seem to be confused), and then you proceded to hijack your own thread with meanderings about lack of proof, drop tanks, and hijacks.
You are Hijacking my wish thread with your own gibberish attempt to troll, not the place - I answered to Krusty's Post above ^.
You don't have a clue about what Krusty is talking about, or the C.202/205 rather.