I wish the in game head movements gnerated by a TRackIR could be saved in the film file like the hatswitch views are. Also that the camera set up for movie shots could be mapped to it as well. Both of these would really make it much easier to make quality moivies from AH films.
Any plans for that in a future upgrade?
I don't know if Vinkman's wish is feasible, but I certainly think it's
desirable, and for that reason I support it. However, it may not be technically possible or too resource-intensive to implement, since I've seen this wish several times in the past and HTC hasn't addressed it.
It's been suggested that one can record a film concurrently with Fraps while also running the AH recorder. That may work for some, but even if running two capture processes at once doesn't impact system performance, it's not a full solution because most players run films with icons turned on while playing, and then turn them OFF while making movies (e.g., Niros' stuff), Fraps is usually run offline with the icons turned off to achieve that cinematic look. So capturing in real-time in Fraps will allow you to capture the TIR views but NOT allow a person to do great movies because the icons will show up. Pick your poison, I suppose. On the assumption that it's just not possible (a supposition), a couple of alternative solutions come to mind that might get around this, (]
no hijack intended, Vinkman... your idea is highly desirable).
One alternative is to enable the hat views in the Film viewer. One can use the numpad right now, but that's clunky and doesn't provide a pan mode. Using the hat switches in the viewer, especially in pan mode, would allow someone to control the views during a training review or a Fraps capture.
Another solution, more useful in movie making than just for playback, would be to add a middle waypoint (midpoint) to the shot set-up fields in the Camera Shots pane, allowing a Start,
Mid and an End point to the “dolly” track of a camera shot. (This would permit more finely tuned tracking/dolly shots with true curve-like arcs that are easier to visualize, set up, control; and with more predictable results (less mistakes))
- If possible, a graphical “curves” representation of that camera track would be ideal, with mouse grab points on the graphical curve track that allow its waypoints to be moved and the new position coordinates updated into the set up pane in real time
- Or, add the capability to define this camera curve three-dimensionally in the film view window itself, using the above-described mouse controls.You might click on the screen and lay them down and the camera would follow that curve in the shot
Ideally Vinkman's wish could be implemented and maybe one day the ones I've mentioned, as each has uses. However, before anyone decides to fry
me, I'm a realist and do understand that HTC's resources are limited and will be spent on higher-yield improvements. But it's fun to wish.