Author Topic: FSO: Fully shafted, over.  (Read 3803 times)

Offline whiteman

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2011, 02:13:29 PM »
For those who like to point out all the "tiny" mistakes is FSO design, then please volunteer to become a CM and you can design to your perfection.  For those who like to point out all the "tiny" mistakes in CIC orders, then please VOLUNTEER to be a CIC EACH FRAME and you can plan the orders to your perfection.

War is fluid.

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Offline curry1

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2011, 02:29:38 PM »
For those who like to point out all the "tiny" mistakes is FSO design, then please volunteer to become a CM and you can design to your perfection.  For those who like to point out all the "tiny" mistakes in CIC orders, then please VOLUNTEER to be a CIC EACH FRAME and you can plan the orders to your perfection.

War is fluid.

The problem is that no allied planes showed up at Japanese targets which is very frustrating.  It isn't a "tiny" mistake if no one comes to your target especially when it happened at multiple bases that is a large problem.
Curry1-Since Tour 101

Offline ImADot

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2011, 03:43:09 PM »
The problem is that no allied planes showed up at Japanese targets which is very frustrating.  It isn't a "tiny" mistake if no one comes to your target especially when it happened at multiple bases that is a large problem.

My squad went to our assigned target; we were engaged by N1K's a few miles before the target.  Perhaps someone else intercepted the squad assigned to attack your happens.  My very first FSO involved flying a 262 for two hours without ever seeing the enemy.
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Offline qcarech

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2011, 05:13:40 PM »
i would like to apologize to the allies that had a bad time, i was the allies CiC, for the 1st time, an i did the orders 1week after a massive heart attack(march 28th),  i misread the main orders and thought the 29's were supposed to goto tokyo, an thats my fault. after the frame started i found my mistake and tried to improvise a secondary for 29's.  To the UF, im really srry, id thought ( again on me) ud dropped already and we were cleaning up. it was not our intention to steal ur trgts an waste ur time. We like the UF, luv doin joint ops w/ u guys and would never shaft u guys like that on purpose. matter of fact check frame 2, the chawks pretty much sacrificed our sqd so u guys could make it to trgt, an if im not mistaken u guys made top sqd obj's destroyed. not throwing it in ur face or being a oscar, just dont want to ruin a good relation our sqds have cuz i made a rookie CiC mistake. ive got alot of honest feed back to where if i get the chance to do it again the same mistakes wont be made again.
again srry to the UF an any other allies that had a bad time (no fun). but plz UF, dont blame the chawks, they were following my orders, if u wanna stay mad at me, i understand an dont take it personally, as i understand ur frustration. and again, im srry.
<<S>> QcareCh
I take full resposibilty for the orders for frame 3, and its mistakes.
QcareCH/Rich Ellis
Wing Leader 364TH CHAWKS AG
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Offline daddog

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2011, 05:19:30 PM »
<S> Qcare. Hope everything turns out alright.

Over the years my squad and others have had frames without seeing a single enemy.
Over the years my squad and others have been wiped out in short order because of overwhelming odds.
Over the years Admin's have made mistakes that have ruined the night for some.
Over the years Setup CM's have made mistakes that have ruined the night for some.
Over the years CiC's have made mistakes that ruined the night for some.
Despite all the mistakes made over the years, players have made it quite clear that FSO is one of the reasons they stay in Aces High.

Over the years one of the most common mistakes made by a 'few' players is expecting CM's and players to mange everything perfectly, but if they can't do it quite perfectly, to then correct the error to the full satisfaction of the offended. Get a clue. Not going to happen. CM's don't manage events to live up to other players expectations. CM's manage events events according to their own expectations.
Noses in the wind since 1997
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Offline kansas2

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2011, 06:36:38 PM »
Q, no worries. We flew around practicing our formation flying.
And then when we were about to give up you appeared on the scene
to make my night memorable.


22:20:28 Departed from Field #36 in a N1K2-J
23:30:17 Shot down a B-29 flown by QcareCH.
23:33:47 Shot down a B-29 flown by QcareCH.
23:35:00 Shot down a B-29 flown by QcareCH.
23:40:28 Arrived Safely at Field #36
332nd Flying Mongrels

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2011, 07:05:32 PM »
LMAO Kansas, when i saw in the logs that it was u , i was like "mama nooooo" lol, he was one of my ju88 elite in BoB senerio a cpl yrs ago, i thought he was my buddy. lol   that was some nice flyin, was missin a few guns but still had some, u were just too hard to get good hits on. very nice sir <<S>>. (see, i lost all three of my b29's running the bad guys outta ammo  :old: )
  <<S>> an ty baddog, i know its hard to please all the people all the time, but i still feel bad about it.
this was my 1st time as CiC, and it wasnt easy, <<S>> to those who make it look so easy. but i learned alot and hope to get a 2nd crack at it sometime as it was a awesome learning experience, i just feel horrible that some didnt have fun and that i misunderstood the routes for the b29's, the obj destroyed ( the numbers were awesome) was the highest ive ever seen, but if id did the orders right, they might have double that. but i understand what i did wrong an have learned alot from it, (like dont turn ur back on kansas, lol i keed). but mistakes happen, and i take (broken record, i know) full, solo responsibilty for the allied Cic issues, it wasnt the chawks' fault, mine.
<<S>> and TinmanX, i am truly sorry u did not have a good time
QcareCH/Rich Ellis
Wing Leader 364TH CHAWKS AG
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Offline Bannor

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2011, 07:06:55 PM »
<< :salute>> Qcare.
We were defending Tokyo, and boy oh boy I have never seen so many bombers in one place in here or the MA. Honestly it was very impressive and very successful. I too saw the dot dar come on briefly and was like "Holy sheep dip!" I flew through the ranks and took pot shots where I could. I'm sure I would have been toast if any of your escorts had decided to engage me but frankly I was out gunned by all the bloody 29's! And my little A6m was so slow...I was so wishing I was a N1K1. Who knows, the disco I experienced may have saved my life! :bhead But I hate discos.

And I commend you for speaking up. Owning up for any mistakes shows a lot of character and class. I think more people should think about that before they start to gripe. Stuff happens, so it's better to, I think, to ask questions first before blowing up and pointing fingers about how bad it was because It's hard to erase what you have already posted and in the end you can look like an arse :ahand! Been there, done that.  :salute
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Damn, we're in a tight spot!

Offline snakeplissken

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2011, 08:45:23 PM »
Hello QcareCH Old friend.  The Unforgiven flies on the wing of the Chawks too many times to let this be a problem with us.  Cheech posted this thread in the heat of the moment.  In fact we have a joint squad ops next Friday (or a squad duel).  I second Daddog's comments.  FSO is what it is.  As CM's we try not to make mistakes.  The first thing we learn in school is decorum.  The second thing we learn is that at some point, we are going to make mistakes.  I hope you are doing OK.  As you know from our joint ops, about 3 years ago I had a heartattack while flying a goon for GeneralX.  When I ditched to go to the hospital, General said: "That da**m Plissken better be having a heart attack.  I need that goon."  LMAO I am better and happy to be flying with all of you.  As Daddog phrased it, the reason why all of us in the CM community take FSO so seriously is the loyalty of the FSO players and squads.

And you are right about the second frame my friend.  I was the allied CiC and as my eyes scanned the list of squads to support our attack, I chose the Chawks for escort.  Because we love flying with you guys, Because we knew you were there for us, and Because our drunken banter on squad channel wouldn't surprise you.

 :salute QcareCh and the Chawks.  No problem here and I hope you get better.  Between me, you and Cashew with the heartattacks, we should eat more fish and chicken.  Actually I have combined the two and I am eating fried Penguin.....  ~~~ Snake ~~~
The Unforgiven motto: Quid posset ire iniuriam

Offline AKKuya

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2011, 09:14:03 PM »
I have no complaints either QcareCH.  The 132nd were in Zekes defending Osaka.  The Allied JABO's were intercepted by other squads and we just burned holes in the sky until after T+60.  When I heard that the B-29's were way off on the other side of the map, we weren't in any position to help so we towered out.

It happens.

<S> Qcare. Hope everything turns out alright.

Over the years my squad and others have had frames without seeing a single enemy.
Over the years my squad and others have been wiped out in short order because of overwhelming odds.
Over the years Admin's have made mistakes that have ruined the night for some.
Over the years Setup CM's have made mistakes that have ruined the night for some.
Over the years CiC's have made mistakes that ruined the night for some.
Despite all the mistakes made over the years, players have made it quite clear that FSO is one of the reasons they stay in Aces High.

Over the years one of the most common mistakes made by a 'few' players is expecting CM's and players to mange everything perfectly, but if they can't do it quite perfectly, to then correct the error to the full satisfaction of the offended. Get a clue. Not going to happen. CM's don't manage events to live up to other players expectations. CM's manage events events according to their own expectations.

Couldn't phrase that any better. :salute
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline Chapel

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2011, 12:20:30 AM »
I agree with most that's been said...and it shows a lot of class to own up to mistakes.  :salute
That said, I think most people were just frustrated with the empty waiting, and so by offering up advice, are not trying to fry anyone's bacon, but rather improve upon and increase the joy that is FSO.
As many people have stated, FSO is what keeps a lot of people flying in Aces High, myself included. Good discussion can only improve the event.

As to your heart attack, I hope your doing better and will be on the road to full recovery as soon as possible!
Rolling Thunder

Offline jvbicwil

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2011, 02:21:31 PM »

QuareCH!!!!!!!!!!!! HEART ATTACK!!!!!!!! I hope things are okay. Thats a serious thing. I think you did pretty dam good 1 week after a heart attack. I know how I felt. I had one about 7 years ago myself. Two stints were put in. FSO would not have been at the top of my list of things to worry about.  :salute

Please forgive me guys..... I don't have an English major.  (?) Nor am I gonna get one. I'm sure everyone knows I was CIC for Axis. There's a million ways you could have attach. You chose that one.  :salute  And another  :salute for your first CIC duty. I hope you are doing good. That way....... you can do it again.  :aok  It's much cooler the second time.

Nef......... you did fine.  :aok   FSO is not MA. Everyone wants to see action. That did happen in real life and can't always happen in FSO. What's really cool about FSO is. IN about a week and a half we get to try it again. Thanks to the CM crew.

I support what daddog said.  Well ... kinda. I'm not sure how you "ruin the night" for some because of the discission of the CIC.  If thats what they think. They got to fly with there buddies, crack some jokes and wasn't the first one shot down in an attack.  There's gonna be mistakes. If you want to call them mistakes. We're people. If I wanted a game where I knew what the outcome would be. I would go buy a WWII game from Bestbuy.

After all that was said I just wanted to add my support to you guys.

Thanks guys

P.S. Caught a 30" Striper yesterday..  I'm gonna enjoy.  :rock

Offline qcarech

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #57 on: April 20, 2011, 06:06:41 PM »
Ty sir, march 28th was my second, but was much much worse than the 1st 1, which was jan 29th 2010, an had a stent put in in nov 27th 2010. so the 3 r 1 is 3mmx24mm, 1 is 2.5mmx12mm an the new 1 is 3mmx30mm. the suky part is i turned 38 feb 20th. the reason my arteries got so bad was 4 yrs ago i broke my back, 5 fractures in 4 vert's an that put me dwn for quite awhile. bur dr says things should get better w/ all the changes ive made, and ty to all for the best wishes, i know i may have tangled w/ a few of u in the ma an maybe exchanged words, but it was just trash talkin the other team an never took it to heart an hope no 1 else did either.   its all if "war sim" fun.
<<S>> an cya ya'll in the skies
QcareCH    Rich E.
QcareCH/Rich Ellis
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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: FSO: Fully shafted, over.
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2011, 09:50:39 AM »
What jvbicwil said X 10 (well less the fishing stuff)

Take care of yourself sir.  There's always another Friday night.  There's only one of you.   :salute

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