Author Topic: Have The M-18,but this is more powerful!  (Read 2747 times)

Offline SmokinLoon

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Re: Have The M-18,but this is more powerful!
« Reply #45 on: April 20, 2011, 09:56:21 AM »
The point is that ammo loadouts would be based on what the vehicles were given historically and not made up just so you can have some tank with a big cannon.  So the point that SmokinLoon is trying to convey is that despite what you may think, the 105mm Sherman was not a tank killer and the ammo load out will reflect that and would not make it the ideal choice for tank on tank engagements.

Yes, there were cases of T-34s fighting other T-34s, Shermans fighting Shermans, etc in World War II and was far more common than one would think.

Flakpanzer T-34(r)
(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Sherman tank used by the 5th Paratroop Jager Division during the Battle of the Bulge
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A Firefly that was captured and used by the Germans during the Battle of Normandy
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SU-85 pressed into German service
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Stug III pressed into service with the 5th Guards Armored Brigade
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This is a photo of the British captured Panther tank "Cuckoo" that was pressed into service by I think the 4th Battalion of 6th Coldstream Guards Tank Brigade sometime in late 1944.
(Image removed from quote.)

The Soviets were so fond of using captured German tanks that they would even press captured German mechanics into service to keep the captured tanks running.

This is from an advisory put out by the Red Army about captured tanks.
As you can see, your claim of panzers fighting panzers, tigers fighting tigers didn't happen during World War II is clearly incorrect as I showed that it did happen and happened between other various types as well, like Sherman vs Sherman, T-34 vs. T-34, etc.


I just found the gunsight that the Sherman M4 105 used was the M38 variant, it had a fixed 1.4 zoom, you wont be hunting any tanks with that kind of zoom OR the 10 second (at best) reload rate.  ;) I'd leave the HEAT rounds home and let your buddy in the 76mm M4 do the tank hunting.  Also, with the reload rate and ammo available of the M4 75mm HE (and rockets), you'd be hard pressed to match the total damage out put.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 09:59:22 AM by SmokinLoon »
Proud grandson of the late Lt. Col. Darrell M. "Bud" Gray, USAF (ret.), B24D pilot, 5th BG/72nd BS. 28 combat missions within the "slot", PTO.

Offline Bronk

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Re: Have The M-18,but this is more powerful!
« Reply #46 on: April 20, 2011, 10:57:01 AM »
try 15.

:noid stug 3 first :noid
Still a squeaker.
See Rule #4

Offline firemike

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Re: Have The M-18,but this is more powerful!
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2011, 06:49:15 PM »
I would love to have tank destroyers but i think your talking about something called the hellcat and it was armed with a long barreled 76mm gun which could still punch through a panther's armor and it could also go 60 mph. The drawback was it had only 1 inch thick armor.