Author Topic: 69th FG ~Rampant Lions~  (Read 568 times)

Offline Tazz69

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69th FG ~Rampant Lions~
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:01:02 PM »
The 69th is currently looking for new pilots to fill it's ranks. I am the Squadron Commanding Officer, my call sign is Tazz69, my real name is Todd LeBlanc. My squadron has just passed the 2 year mark of operation. The 69th currently has 12 members and at our peek, had 22 pilots, but some have either quit playing the game, or left to join bigger squads. The 69th's nose art was created by me, and I actually have the same art tattooed on my forearm. I am always looking for new pilots to fly with me, veteran or trainee, ALL are Welcomed into the 69th FG~Rampant Lions~. If you are interested in joining and flying with the 69th, just leave a request here with your call sign (online name) or I can always be found online, usually in the Main Arena's. If you wish to join and you are a new pilot and require some training, just let me know and I will be more than happy to help with your training. Happy Hunting! <Salute>

Tazz69, CO
69th FG ~Rampant Lions~

Sic Vic Pacem, Para Bellum ~~~~~ If You Want Peace, Prepare for War.