I'm seeing some moans-n-groans regarding the tank commanders view and the ease of firing the main gun vs aircraft and other gv's (and I echo that concern). Here is my wish/suggestion to correct that issue:
A: Remove the TC reticule. Let there be a margin of error, the TC and the gunner are not going to be exact in their coordination of the turret movement and position anyways. Let that be simulated right here in AH as well. Since the mouse pointer is gone while in game, players cant "game the game" anymore with the cursor. Remove the sight ability for the TC.
B: Give the TC a historically accurate binocular view complete with the binocular silhouette outline and FoV, but still no ability to fire. Then, implement a time delay from the TC view to the gunner view similar to what was in Red Orchestra and the buttoned/unbuttoned views.
The main point is to not allow any firing from the TC's position, but yet allow the TC view to facilitate the gunner function in gv target loaction.