That was crypticly posted, Plawranc.
I don't know how you caused this situation, but I like the fact you are taking responsibility for it, whatever you said.
I would like to add that it could also be a simple problem that people bookmark the forums and not the homepage. It would be hard to read that news if you automatically skip past it.
I saw people post they couldn't log into the game on the days that any new version goes live as well. It is as if there was some kind of failure of the servers and the front page news was unimportant.
But I still have to agree the original post doesn't come across that well. It read more like the forums shouldn't have been down and it was irritating. It actually was irritating me too, I admit. I wanted to surf the pages and catch up on what people thought of the new game version, but the forum had a good reason to be down.