You ENY 5 dweebs are awful harsh. Don't make me start looking up K/D's of some of you others.... Everybody dies, in everything they fly. GOOD NEWS is you get to up again!
My K/D in a Mossie, btw, is something I am proud of. Or let's put these things another way........
JUGler has an above average K/D in the C, same way I'm above average in the Mossie. Saying it like that though makes me realize i can always improve. THAT... Gives me something to do in this game I've been playing for almost 6 years.... get better at something I am already above average at. So
JUGler, you can always get better in that C, or that Razorback you seem to enjoy so much.
<S> JUGler <S>The rest of you can also, always get better too..... In your Typhy's and Pony's and Spit's...... OH MY!