Author Topic: Zombie attack?  (Read 2786 times)

Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #45 on: May 19, 2011, 01:58:44 PM »
Find survivors and live on an Aircraft Carrier would be a good choice also
I was going to suggest that, but with all that space, the virus or a zombie could easily sneak aboard and it would be just like Alien. :uhoh
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Offline AKKuya

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #46 on: May 19, 2011, 02:14:51 PM »
With my tank's firepower and protection, I'll tow an armored RV behind me with sexy female survivors.
Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline StokesAk

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #47 on: May 19, 2011, 02:58:44 PM »
An M24 with countless clips of ammo, and a nice place to sit up high.

some sunglasses too

Offline Tyrannis

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #48 on: May 19, 2011, 03:02:38 PM »
Find survivors and live on an Aircraft Carrier would be a good choice also
just curious, but have you played Fallout 3?

Survivors of the nuclear Apocalypse in D.C  actually took shelter in an aircraft carrier, and turned it into a city.

a crazy scientist blew the front of the AC off tho. so its half its original size.

you can find the ship in the DC harbor. you can board it aswell. its a major trade city. its usually where i went to trade my salvage in for some good guns&armor.

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #49 on: May 19, 2011, 03:18:08 PM »
Good News.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a  Zombie Apocolypse guide.

Offline 33Vortex

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2011, 03:23:58 PM »

GameID: Turner
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Offline Yossarian

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2011, 03:24:53 PM »
While you're safe in the blimp, you're cows are being eaten by the zombies.

Hell no, the cows would be in the blimp with me.

And I'd also need some sheeps and womens for good measure.
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
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Offline skorpion

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #52 on: May 19, 2011, 03:29:48 PM »
just curious, but have you played Fallout 3?

Survivors of the nuclear Apocalypse in D.C  actually took shelter in an aircraft carrier, and turned it into a city.

a crazy scientist blew the front of the AC off tho. so its half its original size.

you can find the ship in the DC harbor. you can board it aswell. its a major trade city. its usually where i went to trade my salvage in for some good guns&armor.
eww...rivet city? i go to either the brotherhood of steels base (forgot the name its been that long :lol) or i just go into megaton. also have you tried the alien blaster-freedom rifle glitch at the outcast base? i got over 5k stimpacks and over 100k rds for my xualong assault rifle

anyways i think that the CDC released that as a joke...i mean, cmon, when is a zombie apocolypse gonna happen? its all fictional...

Offline Yossarian

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #53 on: May 19, 2011, 03:32:24 PM »
anyways i think that the CDC released that as a joke...i mean, cmon, when is a zombie apocolypse gonna happen? its all fictional...


Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline F22RaptorDude

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #54 on: May 19, 2011, 03:33:13 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
Hmmm, one mag of ammo in each gun and i'm assuming the pump action is at max, but I see no spare ammo  :uhoh
Reaper in a T-50-2 Scout tank in 10 seconds flat

Offline fbEagle

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #55 on: May 19, 2011, 03:48:37 PM »
well as crazy as it sounds my friends and i actually do have a plan for when this happens. I have a pilots license so im taking my .45, .357mag, 30-06, and 12guage with as much ammo as i can carry and meeting everyone at the school. we figure the cell towers will me up for at least a couple o hours so were able to communicate. Then were going to the airport and im going to fly us and our equipment down to the nearest military base. then we will bust out a ac-130 and take that down to nellis or maybe edwards. Who knows! Then we will steel a B-52 or something of that type and load up a few humvees and break into the armory. We're goona take everything we can and keep flying from base to base to refuel and stock up. all the while manning the radios to listen for the "Zombie refugee camp"  Its Fool Proof!!!  :airplane:
<Insert witty remark here>

Offline ink

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #56 on: May 19, 2011, 04:00:54 PM »
I got what I would need :D

never worry about running out of ammo.
besides most you guys would be Zombies so I would have to humanly put you all down :t

Offline Penguin

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2011, 04:02:33 PM »
The odds of a zombie attack on a huge scale are slim at best, because the areas would likely be quarantined quickly.  However, for those within the quarantine, survival would depend on just how hard the government is going to bomb that area.  That's something many seem to ignore; a zombie attack would require immense complacency on the part of everyone to spread and fester.

I'm not old enough to use a gun, but I would pack my backpack with a wrench (good reach for cracking skulls), a box cutter (since we have no sheathed knives in the house), cash (to buy things if people still feel that it's valid), my papers (in case of blockades), a bottle of water (to quench my thirst), lunch (to sate my hunger), my cell phone, and change of clothes.

I would head up to the police station with my family, holding my hands above my head while shouting, "WE ARE NOT ZOMBIES, DON'T SHOOT", and hide out there.  I won't pretend to have any more experience with firearms than airsofting would give me, and try to find out where we can go next.

Remember, you go to war with the army you have, not the one you wish you had.  A knife that you've used your whole life will be of much better use than that brand-spanking-new AR-15.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 04:08:14 PM by Penguin »

Offline PFactorDave

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #58 on: May 19, 2011, 04:04:59 PM »
I got what I would need :D

never worry about running out of ammo.
besides most you guys would be Zombies so I would have to humanly put you all down :t

(Image removed from quote.)

Dude, I think the zombies will just leave you the hell alone!   :D

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Offline Yossarian

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Re: Zombie attack?
« Reply #59 on: May 19, 2011, 04:05:05 PM »
well as crazy as it sounds my friends and i actually do have a plan for when this happens. I have a pilots license so im taking my .45, .357mag, 30-06, and 12guage with as much ammo as i can carry and meeting everyone at the school. we figure the cell towers will me up for at least a couple o hours so were able to communicate. Then were going to the airport and im going to fly us and our equipment down to the nearest military base. then we will bust out a ac-130 and take that down to nellis or maybe edwards. Who knows! Then we will steel a B-52 or something of that type and load up a few humvees and break into the armory. We're goona take everything we can and keep flying from base to base to refuel and stock up. all the while manning the radios to listen for the "Zombie refugee camp"  Its Fool Proof!!!  :airplane:

I think the general idea of a zombie attack is that you actually try and survive it, rather than die as soon as possible while trying to be as badass as possible (which would frankly be kinda useless, as the zombies would have absolutely no idea about the concept of 'badassery' - not to say that the loss of badassery would be a loss worth mentioning, of course).


And anyway, you can't be badass without a claymore, a longbow and bagpipes - otherwise you'll always be beaten by a certain Jack Churchill.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 04:08:07 PM by Yossarian »
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o