Just expanding on the blueprint I already showed above:-

Here are the aerofoil sections at each numbered rib posistion above:-

I thought this information might be helpful for anyone trying to make a 3d model of the aircraft

Just out of interest, if anyone with a good knowledge of aerodynamics could help I'd really like to calculate, even roughly, what the fully extended flaps and slats would do to the wing loading. I really think this is one of the most interesting features of the aircraft. It's almost like the old fashioned version of swing wings. The Whirlwind's Fowler flap is enormous and extends for more than two thirds of the 45 ft wingspan. Looking at the Imperial War Museum Footage it looks like it extends to just over 45 degrees. Additionally the manual slats are in two parts with the outer section covering half of the total span (with the inner section between the engines and fuselage). The outer section seems to project further than the 109's automatic slats.
How do you work it out? Do I just calculate the additional surface area of the flaps in planform? Surely I need to account for the angle as well. What about the slats, do they add more lift of just increase the angle of alpha before a stall sets in?

Come on HTC, give us the precious
