If you are asleep, don;t reside under a siren, can't hear very well (getting old is your fault, not ours) or did not prepare to the posters standards, you deserve to die. Having an alarm at home like a smoke detector that could wake you up is out of the question. It would damage the world in so many ways that the Rapture would be just another Saturday 
Funny thing is, someone will become a millionaire by taking this idea and implementing it while you guys tell him how stupid he is 
You're correct! You getting old and not being able to hear the siren *IS* your fault and not mine. Granted I don't think that you deserve to die, but you have to give people more credit. People suffering from hearing loss already know they they are suffering from hearing loss and will (hopefully) already be taking the necessary actions as a result. If not, then I have a real hard time feeling sorry for them.
Having an alarm like a smoke detector is not the problem.. the problem is with being FORCED to have an alarm like a smoke detector.
We're not saying the guy is stupid... we're just saying that he's not proposing anything that doesn't already exist. The only difference is that what he proposes would be required, whereas what already exists is optional. Since monthly (and sometimes bi-weekly) tests are already run on the alarms, then those of us in tornado-prone areas should already know how close the the siren we are and how well we can hear it. If we don't, then it IS OUR FAULT for not taking the necessary precautions to compensate for a siren that is barely audible.
Also the sirens are hardly reliable. Yes they will warn us if a tornado warning is present in our general area, but it tells us nothing of any tornadoes that are actually on the ground. Because of this, only a small fraction of people will take shelter in a basement or closet just because the sirens go off. No they will instead turn on the TV or weather Radio to determine the extent of danger and then take shelter if necessary. Personally, I almost always have the TV on long before I hear the the sirens.
Here's the way I see it... my house was built in the early 70's. My last house was built in the 30's. I know other houses in the area well over 100 years old. It's hard to imagine that these houses have survived ALL THOSE YEARS without getting destroyed by a tornado! WOW! How rare is that? Seriously even in the worst area of the country chances of actually getting hit by a tornado is very small. I feel the systems already in place are better than 'adequate' as a public service. The OP was complaining that a lot of people died as a result of the siren system being ineffective but my opinion is the exact opposite. I feel the systems already in place SAVED MANY, MANY LIVES!
That's the beauty of things over here. If you want to live your life being paranoid about being killed by a tornado then by all means go invest in a bunch of alarms and various weather equipment so that you can go hide in your cave every time you see a raindrop... but don't put that responsibility into the tax payers' hands.
Yes I'm exaggerating a bit here, but it gets my point across.