you obviously dont understand what was discussed, i'll sum it up for you.
i said the spit16hordes were becoming a nuicense.
skorpion suggest a 109f4 could give a spit16 "Serious trouble" in a fight.
so i offered him the chance to prove this statement in a 1v1 with me, his 109f4 vs my spit16.
i dont want the spit16 at all, im merely giving him the chance to prove what he's saying.
and this statement right here tells me your not a DA regular 
You still don't get it. When I go into the DA to furball lake, I expect to see high Temps, C Hogs, and lots of guys in their 'squads' trying to dominate single planes with a crowd. When I go to the DA to fly against someone 1 v 1, I don't worry about Furball lake.
You are talking out of both sides of your face. You argue that the Spit 16 is a pain in a crowd. So are a bunch of 38s, or Hurricane Is for that matter. Then you say that you'll beat an 109F in a Spit 16. Good for you. A 1944-45 bird beating a 41-42 bird. So what. I am sure there are some 109 drivers who'd mop the floor with most of the Spit drivers in game. I'm sure there are some Spit drivers who'd do the same to the majority of 109 drivers in game.
This still comes down to you wanting to eliminate a bird that gives you problems. Take away someone elses fun so you can feel more uber? Who cares. Just shoot em down and quit worrying about it.
Having done the flight sim bit for a long time, I'm so sick and tired of the Spit whines I can hardly stand it anymore. Could be some of the players in this game have an investment in Spitfire history and getting a chance to fly a bird that is one of the most well known if not most well known fighters of WW2?
Could be it's just a game and if you are that worried about Spit 16s beating you then start flying one yourself. If your ego is so fragile that dying to a cartoon horde ruins your day, that's kinda sad.