gotta love people like this who feel they need to judge others skills when they've never flown against &/or with the person they are trying to judge.
and people say i have an ego.

I have flown against you and I know what kind of quality you bring to the table (table scraps). I have also flown against JOACH1M and he's a good stick, far better than you will ever hope to be or can ever be. It's not a slight against you, there are just some players that get it and some that think they do but don't. You fall into the last category. Because JOACH1M is the better pilot, he will not have any troubles at all flying a Bf 109F against you in a Spitfire XVI or in any other plane. Why? Because JOACH1M has taken the time not only to learn what the plane he flies are and aren't capable of, he's extended his knowledge to know what his opposition's plane is capable and not capable of. In addition, the guy has practiced and taken the time to learn the fundimentals of BFM and ACM (something you don't do, hence your lack of knowledge in the most basics of aerial combat), which gives him the upper hand going against a player like yourself that probably doens't even know what BFM or ACM stands for, let alone mean.
It's the same reason why I had no troubles at all beating the crap out of you in that silly duel challenge you threw down awhile back and why I wouldn't have any troubles at all doing it in a P-38J against you in a Spitfire XVI or any other plane you flew. Again, it's not a slight on you, it's just that like the majority in this game, I just have that much more experience and ability than you do.
Truth be told, a two week n00b that has spent his two week trial under the tutelage trainer to learn the ropes would be easily able to best you in a Bf 109F vs. Spitfire XVI fight. Knowledge beats lack of knowledge every time and I hate to say it but when it comes to fighting and the art of dogfighting, you are one of the most ignorant players that has ever graced this game. I know I've said this before but kingcobradude would offer a far better fight than you would and that is saying quite a lot.
So, yes. I am able to judge your flying because I have witnessed the abortion you call flying and your posts are also a very accurate indicator of your grasp of fighting. Your posts alone in this thread just highlight your ignorance in the matter.