Looking at my computer, it is within the minimum requirements to run the game. I don't mind flying around with 30FPS, a little less on Titanic Teusday, but when my frames go to hell just because someone carpet bombed everything on the base I do mind.
I am no computer programmer, but I do know the smoke is 2D, like a + sign looked from above. I don't see how this could impact frame rates and make them go to 5-10, when I normally run 30FPS.
Maybe there is a bug with it, I don't know. I'm not knowledgeable on computers and the coading that goes into the game. To me it doesn't seem like a 2d object should kill frame rates. The trees don't do that to my machine when I see them.
As stated before, I know people that have frame stutters and lesser frame rates when they are around the smoke. Bad thing is, they have good computers with upgraded video.
I will admit that my PC is crap, but I don't see how a 2 dimensional polygon is to blame for frame rate loss.