If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.
I fear what the reintroduction of "player spawned arenas" will do to the Main Arena.
In the long run, probably not much. Remember, we had such a thing for years (just not on the AH server) and it was totally free! I think it might improve the overall appeal of Aces High.
Cool! Maybe once again we'll have a lot more to shoot at when we go bombing en mass. (Image removed from quote.)
I'm all for this IF they use some of the newer maps. The island map, uterus and some of the other older maps need to be retired. (honorably of course)
Additionally we are currently developing user spawned arenas to serve as an expanded and HTC hosted version of the old 8 player H2H. The introduction of this feature will also lessen the need for a second late war arena.
Lol... I was just about to post something similar:"I hope to see now more of this again in the MA:"(Image removed from quote.)(No, that's not a SEA screenshot... it's really the LW MA )