DICE gameplay sucks. They don't know what they're doing. They totally screwed up BFBC2 several times because they only were dealing with the console stuff and porting directly to PC. The lead programmer assumed since he owned with a G3 that it was too overpowered and nerfed it (but you see, he "owned" with it in the console with auto aim and so forth) and the end result was it suffered in the PC export.
im sorry, but
WHAT?Krusty, you do realize the BC2 series was merely a test series for the Dice team to gathering information to make Battlefield 3 right? They've stated this many times in interviews. (including 1943)
One example is when they explained why it took so long for DLC content to come out for BC2. One of the dev team members being interviewed stating they didnt believe anyone would play the game passed level 20. let alone play to reach lvl 50. so they were suprised that it reached the fame that it did. Thats the reason why it was made on consoles, and ported to the PC. Battlefield 3 is being developed on the PC and being ported to consoles.
To top it off, every successive update they have issued has nerfed or boosted guns to the point that EVERY gun of a given class is nearly identical to EVERY OTHER gun of the same class. Somebody made a gun hitting power chart by reading the actual game code, and the individuality of the game was sucked out of it until it's now a mindless arcade shoot'emup with little variety and poor gameplay.
The bolded sounds more like Blops than bc2. where many guns had the same profile/stats/recoil/etc
If anything i'd say DICE are some of the best in the buisness when it comes to keeping the gun roster balanced. The only problems ive encountered in BC2 are:
-when it first came out, the m60 was WAY overpowered to the point where people were sniping with it. Dice nerfed it and now its a respectable gun to use.
-The uzi was deadly accurate way beyond its actual rl effective range when equiped with an acog. Dice fixed it and now its not as bad.
-the community requested the m14 be alowed to have mods. Dice listened and alowed it.
-The m16 was nerfed to pretty much be a burst-fire ak102. this is the only thing that makes no sense that they've done.
Other than whats stated, i cant think of any other balancing issues there have been. Krusty be lucky that Dice actually LISTENS to its community.
It could be like Call of Duty:black ops. with the OP'ed famas/aug/ak74 madness. those guns have been practicly begged to be nerfed. and what was the Devs response to these outcries? They take slight-of-hand pro off the Famas. which pretty much fixes NOTHING.
so sorry Krusty, but as a Battlefield Vet,(1942,BF:V,2142,Heros,Bf2,Free2play,BF:BC1,1943,BC2:V) i respectfully have to disagree with everything you said.