A lot of what we run has to do with what terrains are available. I like mid-war MTO as much as everything else. In fact, what was supposed to be running right now was mid-war MTO. It was ready to go, but there was an issue that we couldn't get around, and late in our process we substituted Coral Sea, as the terrain was all up to date, tested, and the design was done.
I don't dislike any theater or time period. I like them all. What I like best in scenarios is representation of what battles were fought and variety. I like it best when we are able to vary the theater, time period, and style of combat from scenario to scenario.
I want to assure you that no harm was meant by my comments. The staff performs a remarkable service for the AH community. Thanks for all that you guys do... I do understand now that there are limitations to each scenario and the resources are not always available to mitigate some of the technical issues. As long as the thoughts are being given to a great period and theater of aerial combat. That's good enough for me.
With that said and when the maps are fixed...
Please consider "The Battle of Salerno"

Epic battle with American low end hardware., P-40s, P-38Gs, P39Ds, B-25s-26s against FW190A-5s, BF109Fs, G2s-G6s, C202s, C205s, JU87s and Ju88s...

It was truly confidence and experience that allowed the Yanks to survive.

Thanks again...