Author Topic: Special Events Schedule August 22 – August 28  (Read 654 times)

Offline 68Raptor

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Special Events Schedule August 22 – August 28
« on: July 30, 2011, 05:55:23 PM »
Tuesday August 23rd, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League - Season 24 Race 4. Hosted by BMathis.

On this day in history, 23 August, 1944, On the Western Front... The British 21st Army Group is advancing rapidly toward the Seine River. To the right, the US 1st Army (part of US 12th Army Group) also drives forward to the Seine. The US 19th Corps captures Evreux. French forces are employed as the spearhead of the US 5th Corps advance toward Paris. On the Atlantic coast, elements of the US 3rd Army link up with French resistance members near Bordeaux.
(This Day in History taken from

Race details can be found Here. AHXARL forums are located Here

Wednesday August 24th, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEAII – Snapshot ”Strike at Cologne” Hosted by CRYPTIC

On May 30th of 1942 the first 1000 bomber plane raid named "Operation Millennium" inundated the Rhine River city of Cologne with devastation. Early the next morning Air Marshall A. T. Harris sent low level Mosquitoes to strike again.

The Mossies were specialized in this kind of mission, heavily armed with rockets, bombs and able to return home at high speed. The Luftwaffe could rarely catch a Mossie, consequently the De Havilland Mosquito's had the lowest loss rate of any aircraft in the Bomber Command.

This Snapshot duplicates just one of the many raids that could have taken place at Cologne except this time the Luftwaffe has a patrol of Me 109's in the area which could upset the usual low loss rate of the Mossie.
Snapshots are walk on events and all are welcome. Forums are located Here

Saturday August 27th, 2011 4:00pm Eastern in SEA I Squad Dueling League hosted by Bruv119. Come join in on the newest addition to the Special events roster. Squad Dueling League (SDL) offers squads with at least 4 players a chance to battle it out in a best of 3 match up.  
For more info check out the forums located Here. The official rules can be found Here.
Executive Officer
68th Lighting Lancers