#1- HO = Badform
A: Never HO on 1st merge
B: If not damaged by 1st merge HO allow your opponent the opportunity to redeam herself by realizing you DID
NOT HO at the merge and continue accordingly
C: If you've recieved damage or your female opponent HOd on the 2nd merge then by all means give her the
"money face shot"! After all she is clearly asking for it
#2- VULCH = lame. It is NOT the "sport of kings", it is the "dance of queens"
A: Never vulch
B: Never vulch
C: Never vulch
#3- CHERRYPICK AT THE EDGE OF A BASE= silly tardness.
A: Never cherrypick the edge of a base, see vulching
A: Do not join it
B: Always fight against it
A: No matter the odds commit fully to your fight
B: Never "skirt lift, panty soil, scramble to the vert". Commit yourself to the fight
C: Running, If you run please COMMIT to it, DO NOT return to pik someone who just bested you
#6- Never enter a fight that you were not part of in the beginning, unless a friendly is out #d, this includes
squadies! (they never ask for help anyway)
#7- ACK, IF your opponents are giving you room to move then NEVER run to it. IF they are cherryfesting you
Then embrace it, become one with it. It is their silliness that forced the "ack hug"
#8- Become one with "JETRAGE"
#9- Never berate noobs for shabby gameplay, Always berate vets for shabby gameplay
#10- Survival is a poor excuse for timidness when there is so much revenge in the hangar
Guidelines that I go by