Author Topic: "You have landed successfully."  (Read 8906 times)

Offline DeadStik

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"You have landed successfully."
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:07:21 PM »
I'm pretty sure it has been discussed, but I'd like to revisit it to gather some opinions. This is directed towards aircraft.

To "land successfully" the requirement is to put your aircraft on the tarmac/runway/asphalt/concrete/(whatever you want to call it). In an overwhelming amount of cases this involves raising the gear, kissing the concrete with the belly and skidding to a screeching halt. I'm having trouble seeing how in certain cases this is a "successful landing." A lot of people use the argument of "any landing you walk away from is a good landing" and while this bears some truth to it in a primitive sense, I wouldn't say it always constitutes this as such. Although I believe accomplishing a "landing" in this fashion is an excellent feat when you've had a landing gear shot to pieces or had other challenging handicaps, I fail to see how it should be the norm. People land their aircraft gear up regularly and it seems to have become a more and more popular phenomenon over time. Not that I could ever blame anyone - I mean, it's much quicker and therefore typically safer depending on the situation. I even find myself doing it regularly when I'm feeling gamey [sic].

Now, I would never want this game to introduce features which only ruin gameplay and the experience for players. We're all paying costumers and should be able to pipe in an opinion for whatever issue has surfaced. Having said this, (and this is not in the form of a wish, it's just a general discussion) how would others feel if there was a reward for landing with the wheels on the tarmac as opposed to another section of the aircraft. My initial thought would be to add a penalty for NOT landing in this fashion, but that would of course "ruin gameplay" for some people. Instead of adding a punishment, how about an incentive? Although different people play for different reasons, I would put some money down that the majority of people who play AH are the sort who like immersion. Having aircraft land on the belly for no reason other than to expedite their next sortie is (obviously) not realistic.

How would the community react if a feature was added which added a 5% (initial number) perk bonus to your normal earnings for the sortie?

My whole point here is that people are not going to land gear down unless they have a reason to. One reason could be that they are afraid of the belly landing. Another could be that they actually feel guilty for destroying a perfectly good aircraft (even if it's represented by a bunch of zeroes and ones). I would think that the amount of people landing gear down for these reasons are scarcer than I'd like to admit to myself. If an incentive to land properly is added, perhaps we'd see more people landing this way. I'd love to see this. I hope a lot of others would like to see this. And even if others don't care to indulge themselves, the people who do favor a proper landing would be rewarded for their extra effort.

I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions on this.

Offline APDrone

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 07:56:35 PM »

My whole point here is that people are not going to land gear down unless they have a reason to. One reason could be that they are afraid of the belly landing. Another could be that they actually feel guilty for destroying a perfectly good aircraft (even if it's represented by a bunch of zeroes and ones). I would think that the amount of people landing gear down for these reasons are scarcer than I'd like to admit to myself. If an incentive to land properly is added, perhaps we'd see more people landing this way. I'd love to see this. I hope a lot of others would like to see this. And even if others don't care to indulge themselves, the people who do favor a proper landing would be rewarded for their extra effort.

I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions on this.

I've been playing AH for right at 10 years, now, and I can count, on one hand, the number of times I've intentionally landed with undamaged gear up. 

I still revel in the feel AH has, from taking off to landing.. and especially with one of the add-on sound packs.

And I don't come close to some sub-cultures in the game that are purists.

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Offline DeadStik

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 08:01:36 PM »
What are your thoughts about adding incentive?

Offline guncrasher

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 08:09:26 PM »
I have flown the spits for many years, I cant land them for crap with wheels down.  squadies laugh at me because of this and  have tried to guide me in the right direction but it's of no use.  not ashamed of me nor do i feel sorry.  i land most of my other airplanes with wheels up, not because i cant land them wheels down, but because it allows me to go back up in the air about 2 or 3 seconds faster.  you want to call it an unsuccessful landing, go ahead, i dont care.  for me it will be the same as the time i shot this guy's plane's wing and tail off and he got a ditch.  he started with his haha you didnt killed me.  i replied yes I did i took off your wing and tail off and in my book that's a kill.  dont really care about what the "system" says.


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline DeadStik

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2011, 08:36:23 PM »
People land their aircraft gear up regularly and it seems to have become a more and more popular phenomenon over time. Not that I could ever blame anyone - I mean, it's much quicker and therefore typically safer depending on the situation. I even find myself doing it regularly when I'm feeling gamey [sic].

As I said, the point wouldn't be to punish people for anything. The point is to reward those who complete the sortie as the aircraft is designed when it's capable of doing so. This idea wouldn't hurt you at all.

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2011, 09:12:30 PM »
I have flown the spits for many years, I cant land them for crap with wheels down.  squadies laugh at me because of this and  have tried to guide me in the right direction but it's of no use.  not ashamed of me nor do i feel sorry.  i land most of my other airplanes with wheels up, not because i cant land them wheels down, but because it allows me to go back up in the air about 2 or 3 seconds faster.  you want to call it an unsuccessful landing, go ahead, i dont care.  for me it will be the same as the time i shot this guy's plane's wing and tail off and he got a ditch.  he started with his haha you didnt killed me.  i replied yes I did i took off your wing and tail off and in my book that's a kill.  dont really care about what the "system" says.


speed mate... speed and flare is the way to go to land spits... :D..(this coming from a guy you pawned) :rofl :rofl

deadstick... i wonder if your reference to the number of people "doing it" is based on real stats or just the company you're in? :headscratch: i always try to land the plane with undercarriage down (even tho sometimes i tend to forget watching all the gauges..esp on a badly damaged plane)... i would only belly land my plane, in desperate situations...could it be that the reason the "others" do it is cause they can't land properly? the toughest part about flying in real life isn't the ability to dogfight, or take off , or steer on runway or even use ATC commands..... it is to land..... all flying schools in life stress on this very aspect of good can flying be if you can't even land properly and safely?....landing is an art form in my it with undercarriage down or up...

in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you land on the belly or on wheels... as long you get down safe... and of cos land kills... and to be fair belly landing takes skills too...its really up to the player if he wants to fly it as a simulator or as a cartoon game...its his $14.95...

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2011, 09:12:55 PM »
This is just another instance of the game going down hill. Only time I land with gear up is when damaged or being vulched (another gamey sport). There is no longer a "right way" of doing anything in the game. That term is politically incorrect. You can tell by all the clowns that will show up and complain about what "I" think is the right way to play.  :P

Semps a good example (nothing bad semp, just making a point). He said he can't land a spit to save his life. Why? Most likely he hasn't put in the time to learn how to do it correctly. Why do people need to fly in hordes? Most likely they haven't put in the time to learn to fight on there own and need all the help they can get. Most of the players today are playing a game. The object isn't pretending to be a WWII fighter/bomber/GV driver, it's winning the game. To them it's more important to get back in the air that 2 or 3 seconds faster.  

Personally I like playing a fighter pilot and fighting it out. Score is un-important, winning the war is un-important. Landing, gives me that small feeling of accomplishment of bringing one back and landing it. If that means I have to taxi to a hanger, I'm ok with that too. Incentive? I have thousands of perks in all categories, don't need them. For a newer player, it might be the carrot that helps bring that small aspect back into the game. It's a easy enough thing to learn. It doesn't really take that much more time, and it gives you some easy perks. Sure, why not give it a try.

Offline fuzeman

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2011, 09:17:59 PM »
Personally I think it's a non-issue. At times I land-gear up, when damaged or have to exit fast to prevent me from being deceased. Other times I land with gear down and a more leisurely fashion. In a B-17, my usual bomber, I'll even land, stop and shut down the engines individually and then exit.
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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2011, 09:20:22 PM »
I never land with gear up unless the gear is damaged.  Never.

I don't see it happening much either.  Maybe the original poster needs to hang out with a less gamey class of pilots...   :bolt:

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2011, 09:22:14 PM »
"a successful landing is one you can walk away from, a great landing is one where you can use the plane again" :D

Offline kvuo75

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2011, 09:26:51 PM »
1.5x perk bonus for gear down landing, instead of the current 1.25x for any "successful landing"  :aok


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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2011, 09:27:38 PM »
"a successful landing is one you can walk away from, a great landing is one where you can use the plane again" :D

i doubt the op is the type that goes to rearm pad... he would prob rather up a new brand new plane..
DES 354th FG
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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2011, 09:28:27 PM »
1.5x perk bonus for gear down landing, instead of the current 1.25x for any "successful landing"  :aok

+ 1,000,000,000  :aok :aok
DES 354th FG
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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2011, 09:29:07 PM »
I've been playing AH for right at 10 years, now, and I can count, on one hand, the number of times I've intentionally landed with undamaged gear up. 

I still revel in the feel AH has, from taking off to landing.. and especially with one of the add-on sound packs.

And I don't come close to some sub-cultures in the game that are purists.


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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2011, 09:29:35 PM »
I land wheels up for the sake of having a quick landing and getting up again. I can land wheels down, I just choose to not.  gamey? maybe a little, but its preference.

something like this would be a good idea:
1.5x perk bonus for gear down landing, instead of the current 1.25x for any "successful landing"  :aok

i would land wheels down more if this were in effect. whats .25X what i already earned? not much... but enough to get me to land wheels down not up.   :cheers:
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