Author Topic: "You have landed successfully."  (Read 8909 times)

Offline DeadStik

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #75 on: August 16, 2011, 10:28:09 PM »
because seriously what is so hard about landing wheels down?

I have flown the spits for many years, I cant land them for crap with wheels down.


Offline guncrasher

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #76 on: August 17, 2011, 12:33:15 AM »

you consider it hard to land wheels down  :headscratch:.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline PJ_Godzilla

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #77 on: August 17, 2011, 06:20:47 AM »
I'd give one good reason to land wheels down as a habit right now: scenario play. There's nothing worse than getting a kill or two, surviving to rtb, coming in for a landing, then screwing it up with a bent prop or ripped -off wing. Your FSO is over at that point. I did that one night in an Italian scenario while flying a 109G-6. I and a squaddie were the only two left of our group and I was really looking forward to going back up with a fresh load of ammo. I'd already bagged a kill and an assist. However, I bent my prop. Somebody call the waaaah-mbulance.

From that point forward I started working on my flare. The clearance b/w the 109 prop tip and ground is not that much. You need to be nose high as yo touch down. Ideally, you approach nose down, then bleed speed as you deploy flaps. When your speed gets low enough and you're just over the runway, pulling back will elicit stall warning noises - from there you just stall it in to a nice touchdown.

I like the belly landing as an emergency skill for when the gear is shot up. It's a bit of an art form too - though it requires no ground maneuvering or braking. I just don't like to finish that way if I don't have to.
Some say revenge is a dish best served cold. I say it's usually best served hot, chunky, and foaming. Eventually, you will all die in my vengeance vomit firestorm.

Offline DeadStik

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #78 on: August 17, 2011, 07:08:32 AM »
you consider it hard to land wheels down  :headscratch:.


Where are you getting this from? I quoted you twice. You contradicted yourself. You first said you are unable to land spits gear down, and then you go about with the argument of "how hard is it to land wheels down?" Being an aviator in the real world, I have no difficulty landing in this game or outside of it. This is one of the main reasons I play this game - the aerodynamics are modeled very accurately when compared to others I have tried. Other simulators end up having a "cartoony" feel where as AH feels so natural.

I didn't want to bring up the "aviator" fact, because people will now make false assumptions. I do not want extensive button pushing. I prefer the one button push for engine start, not having to worry about over-temping/over-boosting engines, not having to memorize and follow lengthy checklists, not having to wake up at 5AM in the morning, tugging out an aircraft of a hanger, performing a preflight, filing a flight plan, etc etc etc etc (the list goes on forever). I do, however, draw the line with the issue addressed in this thread.

This added incentive wouldn't hurt you. Why are you so opposed to it?

Offline grizz441

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #79 on: August 17, 2011, 08:23:39 AM »
well if I say that i would still land wheels up even if i got no points anyway.  why would i be butthurt if somebody got points landing wheels down?  isnt it the same thing?  what I am getting butthurt is your silliness at trying to get extra points for doing nothing different than what you do now.  because seriously what is so hard about landing wheels down?  what is next, getting extra points for using flaps while landing?


I bet ya I know a plane in the hangar that you would rip at least one wing off on landing.  How about next time we're on, you meet me in the tower, and then I call out the mystery plane and we take it off together and circle and land it.  Since it is so easy you should have no problem doing it right?  Consider it a challenge.

Offline grizz441

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #80 on: August 17, 2011, 08:26:46 AM »
I think what some of us are saying, apparently not to clearly, is it won't change a thing for us.

If HTC feels it's important enough to change, it won't matter to me either.  I idea of 'realism' can be overdone in something that isn't real.  This never will be real.  

How many squads go out and return in formation.  Have you ever seen fighters land like they did for real?  Once in a while some of the squaddies and I will either in pairs or a flight of four, try and do the fighter break, where on landing you come across the field and at spaced intervals break off into the pattern and try and get the birds on the ground as soon as you  can.  Watch any of the old films and that's what they 'really' did.  Other then it looked good in a screenshot and it was fun to try and make it look real, we didn't need any points or perks to give it a try.

What people put into the game to add to the immersion is really on them.  Folks know my MA approach.  If i get back at all it's generally wreckage.

One of the things I enjoy in scenarios is trying to do it closer to the 'truth'.  Staying 'alive' matters.  Getting back matters.  One of the fun things back in DGS was the 38s in my group coming back to the field together and putting it down and then taxiing in, lining the birds up and shutting down together.  We got no points, and didn't do it for any reason other then it looked good and added to the immersion.  

Again, if HTC wants to give folks incentives for it, it won't change a thing for me :)  

Corky it's not about forcing change on people, it's about providing something to those on the fence that could go either way.  I'm in this crowd, the crowd being, generally apathetic about landing wheels down because I'm lazy.  If I had a measurable reason why I was doing it then I would.  

And another example: obviously when you land kills you get more points, your name in lights, all the fighter pilot glory you could ask for, but that does not change the way you play the game, right?  So why would this be any different?  I would say that it would only encourage proper landings with a slight incentive.  It certainly would not penalize those who did not properly land, which semp, Del, and SlapShot tried to spin it as.

Offline Rich52

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #81 on: August 17, 2011, 08:46:29 AM »
Maybe its just me but I actually see these belly landings only very,very rarely. And I often hang out near a runway with a wirbel.
Yes, your on "Ignore"

Offline guncrasher

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #82 on: August 17, 2011, 10:47:26 AM »
so glad ht wants people to concentrate on the fight and not on flying the airplane.  that's why no extra points for landing undamaged airplanes, or for kill streaks.  perhaps if you would come up with a good reason howt it will enhance gameplay, your wish could be granted.  but as it is you want extra points for doing absolutely nothing  :bolt:.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline grizz441

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #83 on: August 17, 2011, 11:28:51 AM »
so glad ht wants people to concentrate on the fight and not on flying the airplane.  that's why no extra points for landing undamaged airplanes, or for kill streaks.  perhaps if you would come up with a good reason howt it will enhance gameplay, your wish could be granted.  but as it is you want extra points for doing absolutely nothing  :bolt:.


They provide extra points for taking the time to return to base from a fight and land your aircraft, which is non combat oriented do they not?

I want extra/adjusted points based on the condition of your aircraft when you end the sortie, not strictly more points for landing with wheels down.  And before you pull the Krusty argument "This will just cause more timid flying", ah not so fast, it still becomes a risk/reward issue.  4 kills and landed damaged bird would certainly be worth more than only 3 kills and an undamaged bird.  

What say you mental peons?

Offline guncrasher

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2011, 11:57:13 AM »
They provide extra points for taking the time to return to base from a fight and land your aircraft, which is non combat oriented do they not?

I want extra/adjusted points based on the condition of your aircraft when you end the sortie, not strictly more points for landing with wheels down.  And before you pull the Krusty argument "This will just cause more timid flying", ah not so fast, it still becomes a risk/reward issue.  4 kills and landed damaged bird would certainly be worth more than only 3 kills and an undamaged bird.  

What say you mental peons?

that wasnt krusty's argument, that was hitech's on a post from last year asking for killing streaks.  look it up.   grizz you of all people should not be trying to get extra points for doing nothing extra.  you are a highly skilled player that dont need the extra advantage of "no riks for me" points.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2011, 12:26:02 PM »
Hey, cool.  While we're at it, let's add bonus points for flying without combat trim and with tracers disabled.  It'll be like playing Doom on Nightmare difficulty!

Offline grizz441

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2011, 12:31:45 PM »
Hey, cool.  While we're at it, let's add bonus points for flying without combat trim and with tracers disabled.  It'll be like playing Doom on Nightmare difficulty!

Oh nice of Leviathn to bring the strawman to this thread.  :D

There are already advantages for flying without tracers on: the enemy cannot see your tracers.  

Advantages in flight performance can be gained by turning off combat trim in certain aircraft in certain envelopes.  If you know a plane well enough you can use this to your advantage.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #87 on: August 17, 2011, 12:36:56 PM »
Oh nice of Leviathn to bring the strawman to this thread.  :D

Welcome.  :)

There are already advantages for flying without tracers on: the enemy cannot see your tracers.

And the disadvantage is that it's harder to aim and, consequently, obtain kills.  I was actually pretty good at aiming 30mm guns, but never with tracers disabled.  That made it another matter entirely.  That took it to... Nightmare difficulty!  
Advantages in flight performance can be gained by turning off combat trim in certain aircraft in certain envelopes.  If you know a plane well enough you can use this to your advantage.

Sure, but flying without Combat Trim is generally more difficult.  Surely more perks are in order for someone willing and able to master the times where not using it proves advantageous.

Offline Krusty

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #88 on: August 17, 2011, 12:41:02 PM »
I can see it now... Just like Bad Company 2, the middle of your screen will flash during a sortie....

"Hit without tracers, +10"

"Pulled 5Gs without combat trim, +25"

"Killed below the nose, +50"


Offline grizz441

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Re: "You have landed successfully."
« Reply #89 on: August 17, 2011, 12:44:07 PM »
Welcome.  :)

And the disadvantage is that it's harder to aim and, consequently, obtain kills.  I was actually pretty good at aiming 30mm guns, but never with tracers disabled.  That made it another matter entirely.  That took it to... Nightmare difficulty!  
Sure, but flying without Combat Trim is generally more difficult.  Surely more perks are in order for someone willing and able to master the times where not using it proves advantageous.

Meh, you don't have to incentivize everything in the game, lets stick to the original topic.  :aok

My point was this: There should be a small portion of the landing bonus multiplier that is reserved for the health of the plane returned.  I'm not really arguing purely for an incentive for proper landing based on the fact that it is "more difficult", but more so under the blanket that there should be a slight reduction in the landing bonus if you bring a plane back with damage.  There already is a bonus for landing, lets make no mistake about that, I just want a portion of that bonus to be calculated based on damage to landed aircraft.  Consequently, this would provide an incentive for landing correctly for those that wanted full credit.