+1 for the OP and/or Grizz's version. For me, there is merit in landing the aircraft undamaged and wheels down. I simply like to land an aircraft as it's intended to be landed, gear down (including the skid on the Me163). I even like to rearm and re-sortie. Hell, I'll fly a L/H pattern sometimes too... I use my flaps as they "historically" were used on landing...and for some aircraft, taking off. Call me a purist...it's all related. I use the RPM to lower my fuel consumption so that I have more time on station (and when I've not enough fuel to get home at full power). Sure I'll belly land like so many others have said, when they're about to be vulched or if their gear is shot up. For my efforts and landing, I'd like the additional bonus (however small) that a "normal" aircraft landing would give. I wouldn't be disappointed if my plane absorbed damage during combat and I had forfeited that small bonus either...it's a win-win for me, I got my cartoon pilot home alive. I also think that if you land your otherwise undamaged aircraft, wheels down with a pilot wound, you should get that additional point percentage as well. Technically (as far as gameplay is concerned) it's a damaged plane but it's tough sometimes to land an otherwise undamaged aircraft with a pilot wound.
It's not about being penalized for not landing with your gear down but if you choose to look at it that way, that's your perogative (sp). The arguement about getting something for nothing is about POV as well, you either agree with it or you don't, there is no relavent arguement.