Folks are going to hide CV's regardless.
You can't fix stupid.
Trying to regulate this behavior goes beyond moderation of a company's sandbox by it's employees/volunteers and borders on the realm of babysitting.
The "Hey it is my $15" argument could go round and round.
What HTC should fix, however, is the magical immunity to attack that the one map provides in a particular location. When it is rendered indestructible by these means, it most certainly takes it out of play semi-permanently and it becomes monopolized by one individual (whomever is commanding the fleet), until such time that it is removed from this state.
Let the children hide their toys but, by the same token, give the remainder of the paying customers the ability to try at the very least, attempt to retrieve it.
The way it stands now, one person can render the fleet unavailable with no chance of the other paying customers on the other two countries to have a chance of putting this particular tool back into play.