Not sure the process your using.
I just did this for the mindan09 terrain and every thing worked properly.
First if you have a mindan09 sub folder in your chconfig folder delete it first.
Then start up AH and choose the mindan09 terrain and load it off line.
In the text buffer type .dplane 0 0 *this will dissable all planes at all fields"
Then go to optons-cmtools-arena tables and click on the "Create New" that appears in the list.
Click on the fields/planes button and set all your planes you want for each field.
Then click on OK.
Then click on the arena variables button and set all your settings you want and click OK
Once those are done type in a name for your tables that's unique (not the same name as the terrain) something like mymin.
Then click OK or save can't remember what it is.
Now quit the off line and go to on line and create a custom arena and select the mindan09 terrain and leave the tables section at default.
Once your arena is up you can go to the hanger and notice that all the planes are enabled.
Now go to options-cmtools-arena tables you should see your mymin in the list box, highlight it and select upload.
You should see it uploading the fields, planes, and variables. Once this is done all your settings you made off line should be there.
