ha another hurricane experten from nebreska who knew.
Not that Grizz needs me to come in on his 'side' but he's pretty well versed in the capabilities of structures and the potential damage that high winds and various weather phenomenon can cause to structures. He's kind of smart and stuff regardless of his geographical location.
Hurricanes aren't all about structural integrity of buildings in high winds and yes you're all up on his well you know.Irene, is down to cat-1 I'm still expecting tidal flooding, and power outage but thank god it's not a cat-3. Few days ago I would've disagreed with the OP about the hype. But as of now NewYork is spared and the media is hamming it up a bit.
i said it before........... in this type of situation, it is best to prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. we're ready. hopefully. even more hopefully, all of our precautions, and preparations will be shown to be unnecessary.
Look at the bright side. I haven't heard or seen jack about Kim Karwhatsherface in days
Really? Because where I live every winter we get 70mph sustained winds with gusts up in the 90s, for days on end.My roof is still there after many years of this and I'd say the structure is pretty well off. Life goes on as usual here.