I confess...
This is a pop culture thing that I just simply don't get.
I figure that either I am getting old, or the younger set is getting more retarded. Or maybe both...
Each generation has to come up with some unique way to baffle/bewilder/upset the generation of their parents.
After the last few rounds, with the propensity to insert enough metal in one's body to set off detectors in neighboring county municipal airports, and covering up every square inch of flesh with some sort of body artwork, there really isn't much more self-mutilation that this generation can do that either hasn't been done or killed off the first fools that tried it.
So.. they've resorted to completely baffling us codgers with promoting such nonsense as this cat thingy.. and 'Jersey Shore'.. 'Keeping up with the Kardashians'... 'Real World'... and the list goes on.
We just scratch our heads and pray that they'll be able to hold down a decent paying job to fund our retirement.