First of all, this post is assuming I'm out to scientifically murder the enemy plane, like in FSO or something along those lines. Basically, trying to kill the guy without putting myself at undue risk.
Something that crosses my mind every now and again is how I approach different fights. When my plane has some kind of distinct advantage over the enemy, I use it as a club to beat them with. If I'm high and fast in a faster plane, I use the speed to BnZ him to death. If I've got something that outturns the enemy, I try to get the snapshot as he overshoots on his BnZ attempts, or I outturn him if he tries to saddle.
There are many matchups however that I don't have a distinct advantage over the enemy plane, or worse yet their plane outclasses me on virtually every level. When I run into one of these situations, I start thinking more in terms of beating the pilot's reaction time, or sucking him into making a mistake.
I was just wondering what most other people do. Is beating the plane effectively laziness on my part, and I should be trying to beat the pilot at all times, or is beating the plane when I can, the pilot when I can't more or less normal?