Had to drive to Wilkes Barre today and get my Mother, she was being evacuated, her house is about 2000ft from the river. In all my years ive never seen the Susquehanna as angry as she is right now. Moms here, high and dry (and safe thank god) and all her belongings are on the 2nd floor of the house, so fingers crossed she wont loose much (she has flood insurance, the advantages of having a son in the Insurance industry
) My sister in Bloomsburg is thankfully up in the hills of Scotch Valley, but they are thinking about 1/2 of the city proper will be flooded. They think the Susquehanna will crest at 42ft a record flood stage in Wilkes Barre, which is about 18" higher than the levees built after the city was wiped out during the '72 Hurricane Anges flood. Hope they are wrong