The FSO is great and even if it stays just as is it is
still the greatest part of AHII IHO.
I say keep adding in the "extra" events as they can be added or as they make sense like the GV battle this scenario. Doesn't count and is added fun for all that want to participate and or get shot down early. The BBB's (Big Boat Battle's) were a HOOT!!!
The FSO is probably running out of "new" scenario's at this point I would think. Kudos to those of you that can continue to think up new ones as the FSO has lasted longer than WWII at this point
I'd like to see more "What if scenario's". Perhaps time based like 1946 scenario's or 1939 scenario's. Different maps and terrain in new locations where WWII aerial battles weren't fought. Shift technologies like giving the AXIS aircraft carriers or heavy bombers or jets to the ALLIES ect.