I think it was called Grizzly Park?
Anyway, about youths sent to clean up a park in the off season as 'community service' with a park ranger and police officer as guards. Except that 5 minutes into the movie a serial killer finds/kills the officer and takes his uniform after hearing about the camping trip. The ranger starts the trip with an epic speech on seeking redemption and changing their lives for the better, or else. The troop sets out into the park and the ranger becomes suspicious of the "officer" and shortly thereafter a grizzly does away with him. Then as each of the bad boy kids tries to pull one over on the ranger, they end up disappearing into the mouth of the grizzly. It goes on like this until only 1 teenager is left, "the one who learned her lesson." The ranger tells her that he thinks the bear left and they can hike out now, congratulating her on her change. While gathering her things she finds a phone in a cabin and tells a boyfriend to come pick her up and that she'll likely kill the ranger and claim to have never been there. The ranger over hears this and scampers off into the woods. As the girl exits the cabin with her things, of course the bear is waiting for her. With 0 teens left alive it cuts to a scene of the ranger petting the bear, and its revealed that the bear is his pet and he was sending it to kill the kids who hadn't changed their lives.
I liked it, but I can find the comedy in some pretty bleak movies.