OK.. just for the sake of knowing... are the hulls of the Ostwind and Wirblewind the same as the Panzer IV H we currently have in AH? In the real world, they are all one of the same, yes???
I am of the impression that there was some "updating" done to the Wirlewind hull when HTC put it in to AH.
My question is simple: if and when HTC updates the Panzer IV H are they going to start from scratch and re so all three or are they only going to do the Panzer IV H and leave the Wirby and Osty alone. Anyone have any hunches??? Or perhaps HTC can comment directly??? 
**Wasn't able to edit, so a self-quote I must**
After close review of the 3 chassis, it is quite apparent that the Panzer IV H is an older graphics model when compared to the Ostwind and Wirblewind. However, the Osty and Wirby are still a long ways behind the recently released gv's (Tiger I/II, Panther, M3's, LVT's, etc), in terms of having nice sharp graphics. Hopefully, HTC can get a new Panzer IV H chassis in to AH and then comment on of and when the Osty and Wirby are going to get upgraded. Then the skinners' will know if it is worth their time to make skins for the Osty and Wirby.