Nope. Looks like "every other" to me.
If you can provide real factual evidence that support your claim, then I will stop harassing you.
Then your going to stop harassing me? LMAO Let's get this straight, in the end of the day I don't give a $h1t what you guys think or say. I think I'm the only pilot here who actually flies real airplanes so I recommend you actually pay attention to what I say.
Now I will explain why trim is useless, in the hopes that HTC will not fix.
When compression occurs some parts of the aircraft are moving supersonic. Because the airframe is not made for supersonic flight the air coming from behind your wings starts buffeting (see picture bellow). Elevators works well when the air passes smoothly other them, when it's buffeting they loose most of their effectiveness (this depends on the speed, airframe, and location of elevators). You can't pull out of a dive not because the pilot is not strong enough, but because the elevators are not doing anything.
Blue is the airflowIt is possible that a trim tab might be able to help, however unlikely. Trim tab changes the shape of your elevator therefore changing the airflow. So if the trim tab is shaped correctly this might work. The odds of it working are extremely low, especially since it was not designed for that purpose. Also the airplane would need to actually have a trim tab, a lot of airplanes' trim works by moving the elevator.
In Aces High using trim to get out of a dive works on every airplane, this is not right.