Hi ya Maggie,
I'm an old FA'er, nice to see you make it in game here. Your right the learning curve is tuff, especially after being used to mostly intermediate physics. Some good advice has been posted, read it.
Padlock, well it was hard to get over it, but its a multiple button technique in AH, I got over it.
Setting up the cockpit views and gunnery zoom is most important. Cockpit views can be tweaked by use of the head movement and f10(save). Gunnery zoom used correctly can help you see over the nose where necessary. Your views are the keys you will use most, so get comfortable with them.
One other note, all aircraft flight info is on the dashboard, no where else. Familiarize yourself with dashboard for each plane, running out of gas sucks. hint LA 7
50% of the flight issue in AH is black outs. You must be cognizant of the upped physics, thats on you. What you can control is your sticks scaling settings. You will need to find the sweet spot for your stick. Many will give you there scaling points but...... Turn on scaling and note the defaults. Now roll it all down, make the stick flat and begin playing with scale settings. In my case I create an oval curve, the first 2 inputs the same. This creates a type of dead spot. This allows for miniscule movement at center area, when I use full movement, I get full input. My rudder starts at 10%, turned way down. I have the damping and center sliders all way down. BO's can be most frustrating aspect, they happen quick and last. Proper stick scaling is 50% of the battle.
You will find yourself feeling more comfortable once you let go of padlock thought. Use those views, live and breathe by them. If you are a keyboard savvy type maybe you can make it work for you. Me I intend to do without for now, KB savvy I ain't, all tho its all set up to use.
If you see us in game say hi, wing with you anytime if desired. FLYBOYS'z